What if we expanded our cinema coverage? You’re about to find out!

Finally, Free Press is expanding our coverage of all things cinema. It’s something I always wanted but just didn’t have the bandwidth to do consistently.

Yes, we covered deadCenter Film Festival sometimes. And, we have covered other individual film events, too. But, it hasn’t been consistent and certainly hasn’t gone into some areas of the topic that would fill out the category.

But, now that’s changing.

You are familiar with George Lang’s pithy and scalpel-sharp opinion pieces we’ve been running for a while now. And our reader numbers show you like that new feature.

So, now George has agreed to help us expand our cinema category while continuing to do our opinion work.

George has been a professional film critic for years and will bring those deep skills to Free Press.

He will review popular first-run movies, cover and review independent local film, and cover cinema events.

Cinema events

Our cinema event coverage expansion began last weekend with the 6th Annual Cine Latino Film Festival in The Yale Theater in Capitol Hill.

Here’s our story about it: OKCine Latino Film Festival explores both the personal and the political

It’s an important yearly time-marker event in the Latinx creative community in OKC and we have covered it and the youth workshop in years past, too.

Popular movies

Starting Thursday, George will begin reviewing popular first-run films. He has connections to major film studios and will be reviewing movies before their release.

He has written two for movies that will open this weekend: Hunter and Wendy. I urge you to watch for them and take advantage of his keen eye to make your movie-going decisions.

I’m a fan of all things cinema, so this is fun and exciting to have such a talent doing this work for us.

Independent film

Where I really came to realize the amazing potential of our coverage of indy films was during the last Pride Week in June of 2019. The films that were shown with a discussion at several of our cool venues here in the core of the metro were extraordinary as well as the people who resourced and attended their viewing.

And that’s what independent film seems to do in this city. It brings people together in unique ways that popular, commercial, big-theater movies don’t.

Please let me know what indy films are being shown in the metro and where. Our commitment to this city and the creative products that come out of life here is solid.

Your support

We need your interest, sharing, and financial support, both as individuals (click on the blue bar above to pay what you can) and as a business partner.

Please write to [email protected] to connect with me about partnerships. We have a number of ways to help give exposure to local businesses that are so much a part of the fabric of this community.

So, here we go! I’m looking forward to expanding our connection to this community and the many creative things going on here.

Let me know what you think about this new expansion!

Author Profile

Founder, publisher, and editor of Oklahoma City Free Press. Brett continues to contribute reports and photography to this site as he runs the business.