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Editor's Notes

Opinions and inside baseball notes from our founder-editor, Brett Dickerson

downtown okc

Free Press reveals the best and worst of your city’s government

When I started Oklahoma City Free Press in 2016, I thought it important to have our host city's name as a part of our...
Jail Trust

OKC Free Press wins four news awards in pandemic-delayed 2020 contest

OKC Free Press once again has garnered news awards from the yearly contest between digital print, physical print, radio, TV, and magazines.
George Lang opinion

Our top ten OPINION posts of 2020 exposed bad thinking in government

Here are the top ten opinion articles by George Lang, opinion writer for Free Press, who consistently took on governmental bad thinking.

Our top ten NEWS reports of 2020 show desire for metro OKC news

The top ten news reports in Oklahoma City Free Press reveal a hunger for street-level news about neighborhoods, the City, and county.

What if we expanded our cinema coverage? You’re about to find out!

Finally, Free Press is expanding our coverage of all things cinema. It's something I always wanted but just didn't have the bandwidth to do consistently.

Why we are launching two types of opinion pieces on Free Press

After three years of my resisting any policy or cultural opinion pieces in Free Press, I have decided to adopt two types of articles.

Our top ten stories in 2019 show readers value details of breaking news

Our top ten most-read stories of 2019 were breaking news and follow-ups that went more in-depth than most broadcast news.
downtown okc

MAPS 4 and your vote Tuesday — Who do you trust?

The major question before walking into the voting booth Tuesday for the MAPS 4 vote is this: Who do you trust?

So, you want to write for us? Let’s get started!

Free Press will only be able to expand our coverage by hiring freelance writers. That means we are always on the lookout for good writers who are curious.

Local community relationships more important than clicks

One of the ways news has been hollowed out is that much of what we read is not connected to much of anything that is real in our daily lives. Free Press does things differently.

Photography is crucial to our reporting

Anyone who has visited this site for longer than five seconds will see how important our photography is for Free Press. It's one of...
Vigil light

The beauty of reporting

I was a high school teacher and an education issues blogger once upon a time. In those days I was clear that public school teachers...

We’re back!

How about this? We're back! Free Press reboots with this editor's blog post. News stories will be added starting this Wednesday, May 1. Make plans...
Oklahoma City at night (Brett Dickerson)

The value of answering questions instead of just asking

Being a guest on two podcasts recently gave me the rare opportunity of reversed roles of answering questions asked by someone else. Mitchell Talks and...
Jenna Bendure and Brett Dickerson bring it

We have options, so bring it!

I can't think of any better way to start an argument among my tech friends than to just say the term "net neutrality." Many of...