OKLAHOMA CITY (Free Press) — Because of sickness among teachers and staff mostly due to COVID, Oklahoma City Public Schools is adding two more schools to asynchronous (virtual) learning at least through Friday, January 14.
Now, four schools will be delivering asynchronous learning with processes that were developed during the first surge of infections last school year:
- Coolidge Elementary
- Taft Middle School, main campus and 5th Grade Center at Linwood campus
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary
- Moon Middle School
Both MLK and Moon will continue the plan for asynchronous learning started for those schools last week.
Special instructions for Taft MS in English and Spanish can be found on THIS PAGE.
And, unique instructions for Coolidge Elementary in English and Spanish can be found on THIS PAGE.
“If our staffing levels and COVID-19 case data shows we can bring students back to in-person learning sooner than Tuesday, January 18th, we will let families know as soon as possible,” district officials said in a prepared statement Sunday night.
“Asynchronous instruction means that students will log in to Canvas and complete lessons and assignments on their own,” a message to parents read Sunday. “Teachers may provide materials for reading, videos to view, notes to study, assignments to complete, activities, assessments, or allow for independent work time. We believe this will allow our families as much flexibility as possible as students can log in and complete the daily assignments in a self-paced manner at any time during the day or evening. It is important that all students login and complete your assignments each day in order to be counted present.”
All five campuses will have curbside pickup for meals.
Curbside meal services similar to how it was done during 2020 will be available for students from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on the days when students are not in school in person.
Founder, publisher, and editor of Oklahoma City Free Press. Brett continues to contribute reports and photography to this site as he runs the business.