Body found in near Southside field — arrest made

-- Homicide #@42 for the City of Oklahoma City in 2023

OKLAHOMA CITY — A man was found dead in a field Sunday on the near south side of Oklahoma City within a block of the southern edge of the upscale Wheeler District. An arrest has been made connected to the death.

Dead: Eddie Lucas, 32

Booked for murder: Michael Newman, 45

Michael Newman booking photo 7-10-23 (from Okla County Detention Center records)

Around 8:30 p.m. Sunday, Officers with the Oklahoma City Police Department (OKCPD) were called to a field on the south side of Twin Creek which borders the southern edge of the Wheeler District.

They found Eddie Lucas in a field and pronounced him dead at the scene.

Detectives investigated and now believe that Lucas was attacked in a “transient camp” nearby, “causing his death.”

When Free Press visited the site Monday afternoon, we observed signs that there are homeless persons living in tents nearby in the woods on the south bank of Twin Creek, a deep waterway with heavy natural growth of trees and bushes on either bank.

Newman was located and arrested that evening. He was booked into the Oklahoma County Detention Center or Jail on a complaint of First Degree Murder around 6:43 a.m. the next day, Monday, July 10.

*Note: As of publication, the information provided by the OKCPD has not yet been tested in court. Under the law, all persons are considered innocent until proven guilty before a jury of their peers or a plea of guilt.*

Author Profile

Founder, publisher, and editor of Oklahoma City Free Press. Brett continues to contribute reports and photography to this site as he runs the business.