Bice votes for U.S. House bill to ‘protect gas stoves’

-- Republicans push through legislation based solely on Internet outrage

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Oklahoma’s 5th Congressional District Representative Stephanie Bice announced Wednesday that she had voted to “protect gas stoves.”

There is no evidence that any regulations have even been initiated at the federal level about gas stoves and the White House has said it wasn’t interested in any such move.

Legislation pushed through by Republican members of the U.S. House of Representatives is a response to internet outrage on the political right supposing that the Biden Administration was in the process of instituting regulations that would outlaw gas stoves.

“The Biden administration has come under fire this week due to overcooked fears that it is planning a nationwide ban on gas stoves,” according to an Associated Press (AP) article. has given the rumor a “False” rating.

However, fears from some natural gas producing states’ members of Congress such as Bice could be fueled by some local cities where concerns continue to build about the health and safety of gas stoves.

The claim seemed to spark when an official with the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recently said that “any option is on the table” in regards to regulating gas stoves amid health concerns about the appliances.

Rumors and outrage immediately spread through the Internet mostly in right-wing circles helped in no small part by Republican lawmakers.

“God. Guns. Gas Stoves,” the conservative Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) said in a tweet.

But, according to the AP, the chair of the CPSC, Alex Hoehn-Saric, said, “I am not looking to ban gas stoves and the CPSC has no proceeding to do so.”

H.R. 1615, the “Gas Stoves Protection and Freedom Act” and H.R. 1640, the “Save Our Gas Stoves Act” were the bills passed by the Republican majority in the U.S. House of Representatives.

“These pieces of legislation will prevent the Administration from banning gas stoves and forcing their green new deal agenda on the American people,” Bice was quoted as saying in a press release from her office.

The statement continued, “I am committed to protecting the choices, wallets, time, and jobs of my fellow Oklahomans and Americans across the nation. It’s simple. If Americans want to cook on gas stoves, let them.”

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Founder, publisher, and editor of Oklahoma City Free Press. Brett continues to contribute reports and photography to this site as he runs the business.