Suspect in SE OKC homicide surrenders — booked for murder

-- The latest on homicide #43 in OKC for 2023

OKLAHOMA CITY (Free Press) — The suspect in homicide #43 in SE OKC has been booked for the murder of his older brother.

Cody James Reed, 16, turned himself in and was booked into the Juvenile Detention Center on a complaint of Second-Degree Murder in the shooting death of his brother, Cameron Reed, 18.

The shooting occured Thursday afternoon at 321 SE 67th Street in Oklahoma City according to the Oklahoma City Police Department.

From their original investigation, OKCPD detectives believe that the two brothers were engaged in some sort of fight when the younger brother shot the older brother to death.

Note: As of publication, the information provided by the OKCPD has not yet been tested in court. Under the law, all persons are considered innocent until proven guilty before a jury of their peers or a plea of guilt.

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Founder, publisher, and editor of Oklahoma City Free Press. Brett continues to contribute reports and photography to this site as he runs the business.