PRESS RELEASE: OKCPS announces Site Teachers of the Year for 2024-2025

Oklahoma City Public Schools (OKCPS) sends this information as posted below:

Today, Oklahoma City Public Schools (OKCPS) and the OKCPS Foundation shared the teacher of the year recipient for each OKCPS school site. From this list of outstanding educators, a selection committee will select nine finalists for the OKCPS District Teacher of the Year that will be announced at the Stars of Education event in May 2025. 

“These exceptional educators were chosen by their peers for their unwavering commitment to fostering a love of learning and creating environments where every student can thrive and fulfill their unique purpose,” Dr.  Jamie Polk, OKCPS Superintendent said. “Great teaching goes beyond lesson plans and assessments—it is about sparking curiosity, cultivating confidence, and building meaningful relationships that empower young minds. This year’s honorees embody these qualities and serve as shining examples of the profound and lasting impact teachers have on their students’ lives. On behalf of OKCPS, congratulations on this well-deserved recognition!”

2024-2025 Site Teachers of the Year

NameSubject Area or Grade(s) TaughtSchool Site
Katelyn SchoonoverKindergarten TeacherAdams ES
Tremetra Robinson3rd Grade TeacherAdelaide Lee ES
Alicia Walker2nd Grade TeacherArthur ES
Jay LeForcePE Teacher Belle Isle MS
Steven LakePE TeacherBodine ES
Kuwantu CammonArt TeacherBritton ES
Rosario WoodwardELL TeacherBuchanan ES
Danny BlackshearMath Teacher (9th)Capitol Hill HS
Rodrigo Neely-RecueroELL TeacherCapitol Hill MS
Charles ThompsonPE TeacherCesar Chavez ES
Erika VasquezDance TeacherClassen SAS HS
Michele ContrerasStrings TeacherClassen SAS MS
Marilee WardKindergarten TeacherCleveland ES
Wainoke Sanders3rd Grade TeacherCoolidge ES
Una AndersonArt TeacherDouglass HS
Nhanh VoMath and Science Teacher (6th-12th)EES
Terry TuckerGovernment and ACT Teacher (11th-12th)Emerson North HS
Justine RitterSpecial Education English Teacher Emerson South HS
Brooke GillinSpecial Education TeacherEsperanza ES
Shelley PorterSpecial Education Teacher Eugene Field ES
Sherland (Ann) Schmidt1st Grade TeacherFillmore ES
Andi Jarzombek1st Grade TeacherHawthorne ES
Debra Billy3rd Grade TeacherHayes ES
Shannamay ShattuckMusic TeacherHeronville ES
Amanda Wilkinson (Hand)STEAM and GATE TeacherHillcrest ES
Richard RiveraBand TeacherJefferson MS
Luis EwingBand DirectorJohn Marshall Enterprise HS
Ravonne FrenchScience TeacherJohn Marshall Enterprise MS
Joanne Harmon4th Grade TeacherKaiser ES
Chabeli MontoyaELL TeacherMark Twain ES
Kasey GrayHealth TeacherMary Golda Ross MS
DeChannel Singleton2nd Grade TeacherMLK ES
Amber WrightSpecial Education Pre-K TeacherMonroe ES
Talia Jones6th Grade TeacherMoon MS
Natalie HendrixMedia SpecialistNichols Hills ES
Nicole MillerVisual Arts TeacherNorthwest Classen HS
Andra Richardson2nd Grade TeacherParks ES
Leslie Aldridge1st Grade TeacherPrairie Queen ES
Madison StoddartPre-K TeacherPre-K Center – Horace Mann
Andrea McKellarPre-K TeacherPre-K Center – Johnson
Thomas NailBusiness Tech TeacherPutnam Heights Academy HS
Jessica CatalanoArt TeacherQuail Creek ES
Rebecca Ingalsbe1st Grade TeacherRidgeview ES
Nichole Kanady4th Grade TeacherRockwood ES
Aaron MoseleyMath Teacher (6th)Rogers MS
Cynthia BothwellMath Teacher (8th)Roosevelt MS
Jaclyn BrownSpecial Education ELA Teacher (9th-12th)Southeast HS
William SharpScience Teacher (5th)Southeast MS
Maryanne GentryPre-K TeacherSouthern Hills ES
Janet Kirksey3rd Grade TeacherSpencer ES
Angel RussellELA Teacher (12th)Star Spencer Mid-High
Jeff Kennamer5th Grade TeacherTaft MS
Stephen CooksonMath Teacher (10th)US Grant HS
Destiny Phillips3rd Grade TeacherVan Buren ES
Al HuntELA Teacher (5th)Webster MS
Faisal MadniPE Teacher Wheeler MS
Charlene RobinsonPre-K TeacherWillow Brook ES
Alyssa FergusonKindergarten TeacherWilson ES

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