Junior Achievement of Oklahoma sends this information as posted below:
Oklahoma City, Okla. (Jan. 16, 2025) – Junior Achievement (JA) of Oklahoma, a nonprofit that inspires and prepares young people for financial success is seeking partners for their JA Inspire Career Exploration Experience on March 5, 2025 at the OKC Fairgrounds.
JA Inspire is a JA of Oklahoma learning experience that includes in-classroom career exploration curriculum. This program gives businesses, corporations, and industry leaders in Oklahoma an opportunity to connect with thousands of 8th grade students about the education they’ll need to pursue a career in their industry.
“This is a fantastic way for our business community to connect with students early to inspire and cultivate their future workforce.” Says Shannan Beeler, President of Junior Achievement of Oklahoma. “This unique opportunity gives students a chance to learn and ask questions about different industries or careers choices they may have never thought about.”
During the JA Inspire Career Exploration Fair participants will have the opportunity to meet with more than 7,000 students and engage with them about what a career path in their field looks like.
To learn more and become a sponsor visit the JA of Oklahoma website: jainspireok.org or email Ed Pope at EPope@jaok.org.
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