PRESS RELEASE: ACOG commemorates Pedestrian Safety Month

The Association of Central Oklahoma Governments  (ACOG) sends this information as posted below:

OKLAHOMA CITY, NOVEMBER 7, 2024 — The Association of Central Oklahoma Governments  (ACOG) is excited to announce its commemoration of Pedestrian Safety Month, spanning  from October 9 to November 17, 2024. This initiative, aimed at raising awareness and  promoting safety for pedestrians, comes at a time when pedestrian-related accidents and  fatalities while showing a slight decrease in the last few years remain a pressing concern for  communities in Central Oklahoma. 

Pedestrian Safety Month aims to increase awareness of the importance of pedestrian safety  for all citizens, including children, seniors, and individuals with mobility challenges. With  increasing urban development and an emphasis on healthier lifestyles, it’s crucial to ensure  that pedestrians can travel safely throughout their neighborhoods and communities. “We’re excited to celebrate Pedestrian Safety Month,” John Sharp, ACOG Deputy Director  said. “As the days get shorter, it becomes essential for pedestrians to be visible to drivers and likewise for drivers to exhibit extra caution in lowlight areas. Pedestrian Safety Month  seeks to emphasize the importance of creating pedestrian-friendly environments, fostering a  sense of shared responsibility among all road users, and implementing measures to ensure  the safety of those who travel by foot.” 

Throughout October, a series of engaging events, educational campaigns, and community  outreach activities are planned to address various aspects of pedestrian safety.  Highlights of Pedestrian Safety Month include: 

• Public Service Announcements (PSAs): ACOG, partnering with the Oklahoma Highway  Safety Office (OHSO) created Watch for Me OK, a public awareness campaign that  seeks to educate the public on the rules of the road and aims to keep Central  Oklahoma residents safe while traveling. Throughout Pedestrian Safety Month, a series  of shareable PSAs will be posted on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter featuring real life stories, safety tips, and reminders for drivers and pedestrians to be cautious and  considerate on the road.

• Walk or Roll to School – October 9: On this special day, students, parents, and  educators from some schools in Central Oklahoma region are encouraged to come together to embrace the benefits of walking. Imagine the streets bustling with young  adventurers, making their way to school, sharing laughter, and fostering friendships  along the way. Walk or Roll to School Day not only promotes physical fitness but also  instills valuable lessons of pedestrian safety in our youth. 

• Screening of 3 Seconds Behind the Wheel Safety Documentary – October 28: After  the success of last year’s screening of The Street Project, join ACOG, Watch for Me OK  and Oklahoma Highway Safety Office to watch the documentary, 3 Seconds Behind  the Wheel, on October 28 at 6 p.m. at the Ronald Norick Downtown Library in  Oklahoma City. This film follows the lives of eight drivers over 6 months using in-car  cameras and tracking technology to monitor the often-hidden behavior of distracted  drivers. Why three seconds? That’s how long it takes to drive across a football field,  send a message or choose a song. 

• Sponsor of the Joltin’Joe 5K – November 17: The Joltin’ Joe 5k, held in memorial of Joe  Warfield, is family-friend, community event intended to raise awareness about  distracted driving and create a movement for change. Free safety resources and  information will be available for participants and guests. 

For more information about Pedestrian Safety Month, including a calendar of events and  safety tips, please visit and  

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