Plane hit hay bale on takeoff and crashed killing 4 says FAA

OKLAHOMA CITY — A private plane taking off from a far NW OKC private airport crashed Tuesday afternoon killing four on board.

The names of the four have not been released by the State Medical Examiner’s Office which received the bodies for identification earlier in the week.

We could not reach anyone authorized to speak about the matter at the ME’s office before publication. If we receive any further information after publication we will update this story or post a new one.

The crash occurred at Sundance Airport near Sara Road and NW 122nd Street in far NW Oklahoma City.

The Oklahoma City Fire Department was called to the airport and used brush pumpers to get to the crash site in woods along a creek that winds through the far east side of the airport property.

‘A hay bale’

The FAA released their preliminary report on the crash Wednesday afternoon saying that the plane “struck a hay bale” on “departure” or takeoff and then “crashed into trees.”

Hay bales, some of which had been in place for a while and others that appeared to have been recently placed are lined up on the southeastern corner of the Sundance Airport August 8, 2024. The crash occurred in the woods just beyond the metal building in the background. (B.DICKERSON/Okla City Free Press)

When Free Press visited the airport perimeter on Thursday morning, many hay bales could be seen from 122nd Street on the south end of the property lined up, some of which appeared to have been recently placed.

The FAA report identifies the plane as a Beech F33A, registration number N8095U, stating that it was “destroyed.”

One “flight crew” and three passengers are listed on the report as dying in the crash.

The Beech F33A, tail number N8095U, as seen on an airplane sales site. (courtesy of

The Investigation

Now the investigation is in the hands of the National Transportation Safety Board or NTSB according to Steve Kulm in the Office of Communications of the FAA in response to our email.

At publication, the NTSB has not responded to our email but their website has information that gives clues about the timing of their investigation moving forward.

In about two weeks a preliminary report will be released which contains factual information collected at the scene but will not determine a cause.

Then, within about two years a final report will be issued that will include the probable cause of the accident.

Free Press will continue to follow this case and provide updates as new substantial and reliable information is available.

Sundance Airport Aug 8, 2024, looking north from the south end of the property on NW 122nd Street (B.DICKERSON/Okla City Free Press)

Author Profile

Founder, publisher, and editor of Oklahoma City Free Press. Brett continues to contribute reports and photography to this site as he runs the business.