One dead in Southside shooting, family member booked for murder

-- Homicide #7 in Oklahoma City for 2023

OKLAHOMA CITY (Capitol Hill) — Sunday morning 20-year-old Carlos Quijano died from gunshot wounds when a family argument escalated into violence.

Police believe that his stepfather, 36-year-old Miguel Hernandez-Garcia shot Quijano during a family argument at 812 S.W. 25th St.

booking photo
Miguel Hernandez-Garcia booking photo 1-29-2023

“Hernandez originally fled the scene on foot but was found by police a short time thereafter,” said Sgt. Dillon Quirk in a press release. “He was interviewed and booked into the Oklahoma County Detention Center on a complaint of First-Degree Murder.”

OKCPD is asking anyone with any information to contact the Homicide Tip Line at 405/297-1200.

Note: As of publication, the information provided by the OKCPD has not yet been tested in court. Under the law, all persons are considered innocent until proven guilty before a jury of their peers or a plea of guilt.

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Founder, publisher, and editor of Oklahoma City Free Press. Brett continues to contribute reports and photography to this site as he runs the business.