Bomb threat shuts down OKC Municipal Court — no bomb found

OKLAHOMA CITY — The City of Oklahoma City sent an email at 7:58 AM Thursday saying that police are searching the Oklahoma City Municipal Court building after a bomb threat was made.

However, by 8:20 AM, Oklahoma City Police report that no device was found and the building has been cleared by the bomb squad.

“We were notified of a bomb threat, of a threat to the building. Obviously, with with that being a courthouse, and there’s lots of people who come in there, we wanted to just make sure it was safe. There was no device found,” said MSgt Gary Knight with the Oklahoma City Police Department. “We brought in three dogs to sweep the building that were bomb sniffing dogs, and they checked the building. Nothing was found.”

Police originally learned about the threat around 6:25 AM and began the process of clearing the building at 701 Couch Drive.

If you have a court date

“We will resume normal operations at 10:00 am.,” Municipal Courts Director LaShawn Thompson told Free Press. “All morning court sessions have been canceled and all court dates will be continued. Court patrons can call after 10:00 am to get their next court date. We are still having our afternoon sessions.”

This is a breaking story. Free Press will continue to add updates to this report as we gain more information.

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Founder, publisher, and editor of Oklahoma City Free Press. Brett continues to contribute reports and photography to this site as he runs the business.