The Windsor District and the WesTen District of OKC send this information as posted below:
A bit of a unique community conversation will be a presentation on how to navigate intrusive public situations whether it be with homeless individuals, those dealing with mental health issues, or generally unpleasant people in a community and/or business setting.
In this season of simmering tensions and cultural shifts, this will provide you with some helpful ideas.
We will also offer ways to engage with preventative measures, de-escalation strategies, “in the moment” responses, and “after the fact” actions to move forward. This content will be applicable for business and personal awareness!
Tuesday, October 29, 11:30AM-1:00PM
Portland Ave Baptist Church
1301 N Portland
LUNCH Provided. There is no charge but registration is required here.
In partnership with The Windsor & WesTen Districts and The Arnall Family Foundation.
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