PRESS RELEASE: Trick-or-treating on Oct. 31 in Oklahoma City

The City of Oklahoma City sends this information as posted below:

Oct. 31 is trick-or-treating night in Oklahoma City. OKC does not have set hours for trick-or-treating.

Residents who plan to hand out candy should turn their porch lights on.

Halloween safety tips for kids

  • Children under 12 should be supervised by an adult.
  • Remind children to look both ways before crossing streets.
  • Ensure costumes fit properly to avoid trip hazards.
  • Add reflective tape to costumes and bags or carry flashlights to improve visibility.
  • Only approach homes with a porch light on. Never enter a house for candy.
  • Stay on well-lit streets.
  • Drivers should be vigilant, driving slowly through neighborhoods and watching for children darting across the street.
  • Remove trip hazards in your yard or on their porch, such as outdoor toys, yard stakes and garden hoses.

Halloween safety tips for pets

  • Watch for pets darting out of open doors. Ensure your pet is wearing a tag and/or has a microchip with current information.
  • Keep candy out of your pet’s reach. Chocolate can be poisonous to many animals, and candy wrappers can be harmful if swallowed.
  • Most dogs will be safest if kept in a different room during trick-or-treating hours. Too many doorbells and excited, noisy strangers in costumes can be stressful or scary to a dog.
  • Make sure your pet’s costume isn’t constricting, annoying or unsafe. This is especially important if it restricts your pet’s vision.
  • Be careful with your pets around candle-lit jack-o-lanterns. Pets, especially curious kittens, can burn themselves or knock them over and start a fire.

Halloween events hosted by OKC Parks

OKC Parks is hosting Halloween Harvest from 5 – 8 p.m. on Oct. 31 at six community centers. These come-and-go events are free, and registration is not required. Activities vary by location, but highlights include trick-or-treating, games, face painting, arts and crafts, food and surprises.

  • Macklanburg Community Center, 2234 NW 117th St.
  • Melrose Community Center, 7800 W Melrose Lane.
  • Minnis Lakeview Community Center, 12520 NE 36th St.
  • Pitts Community Center, 1920 N Kate Ave.
  • Sellers Community Center, 8301 S Villa Ave.
  • Southern Oaks Community Center, 400 SW 66th St.
  • Willa D. Johnson Recreation Center, 909 Frederick Douglas Ave.

Halloween on the Green

Enjoy fall-themed activities for kids at Will Rogers Gardens from 9 a.m. to noon on Oct. 26. Activities include a scavenger hunt, face painting, crafts and sugar skull decorating. All ages are welcome, but this event is designed for children ages 11 and younger. Fee: $5. Register at

Ghost Stories in Martin Park

Gather ‘round for a night of spooky tales and eerie fun at Martin Park from 6:30 – 8 p.m. on Oct. 26. Kids of all ages are invited to enjoy hair-raising stories under the stars…if you dare. This free event is open to all ages, but some stories may be a bit too spooky for the youngest visitors. Register at

Adaptive Halloween Trunk-or-Treat

Join Sellers Community Center for a free adaptive trick-or-treat in partnership with Sooner Success from 6:30 – 8 p.m. on Oct. 28. This event will also include games, art projects, and a resource fair. Registration not required.

Adaptive Nature Hike

Learn about Oklahoma’s native animals during this free hike open to all mobility levels from 10 a.m. to noon on Oct. 31. Attendees will have an opportunity to touch an ambassador animal and attend a guided nature hike on the ADA-accessible trail. This program is open to all ages and is designed for visitors with physical or mental differences. Register at

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