PRESS RELEASE: Regional Transportation Authority board meeting set for June 26

The Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) sends this information below:

There is a board meeting of the Regional Transportation Authority of Central Oklahoma (RTA) scheduled for Wednesday, June 26th at 2:30pm.

The RTA encourages participation in the meeting from the residents of Edmond, Norman, and Oklahoma City.

This month’s meeting will be held in-person at:

Arts District Garage @ 2:30 p.m.
431 W Main Street, Large Conference Room
Oklahoma City, OK 73102

You can view the complete agenda for the meeting below:

The Regional Transportation Authority of Central Oklahoma (RTA) typically meets once a month. The meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month at the Arts District Parking Garage, Large Conference Room, 431 West Main Street, Suite B, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at 2:30 p.m. Notices of or changes to meeting dates and locations are posted before the meeting at, and filed with the Secretary of State.

It is the policy of RTA to ensure communication with participants and members of the public with disabilities are as effective as communications with others. Anyone with a disability who requires accommodations, modifications of policies or procedures, or auxiliary aid or services to participate in this meeting should call (405) 297-1331 or TDD *711 at least 48 hours in advance (excluding weekends or holidays). The department will give primary consideration to the choice of auxiliary aid or service requested by the individual with disability. If you need an alternate format of the agenda or any information provided at this meeting, please call (405) 297-1331 at least 48 hours before the meeting.

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