PRESS RELEASE: New WWII-set play ‘Lascaux’ premieres in Norman August 23-25

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Lascaux, a new play by Avery Ann Wolfe, opens at The Resonator Institute of Norman August 23-25, presented by Co.llective Arts Productions. 

In September of 1940 in Nazi-occupied France, just outside a rural village, two teenage boys discover a cave filled with the mark of early humanity; wall to wall, it brims with precious paleolithic art. Moved by what they find inside, they return to guard the cave’s entrance through the winter. Positioned between the confluence of pre-history and history, Lascaux imagines how those harrowing nights alone in the December cold might have felt—and what dangers lay beyond the campfire glow. 

Two French teenagers, too young for the draft and in awe of their discovery find their purpose standing guard at the entrance to the cave at Lascaux. Juxtaposing the innate human desire to protect and create is the fascistic morality sweeping Europe. Through the selfless act of these 

boys, playwright Avery Ann Wolfe teaches us an essential truth: before farming, before the comforts of modern life, humans have always found time to make art. To decorate our walls, to pass our stories on to future generations, and to learn from one another. 

Please join us around the campfire August 23-25. 

Tickets to Lascaux and the rest of Co.Arts’ 2024 season can be found at 

Co.llective Arts Productions is a Norman-based performing arts group dedicated to emerging Oklahoma theater artists. Every show in the CO.ARTS 2024 Season has tickets priced on a sliding scale, allowing theater lovers to pay at whatever level makes sense for them. To learn more about Co.llective Arts Productions, visit, follow on social media @coartspro, or email

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