PRESS RELEASE: OBA Law Day student contest now open

The Oklahoma Bar Association (OBA) sends this information as posted below:

Do you know an Oklahoma student who loves to write, draw or create? Encourage them to enter their work in the Oklahoma Bar Association’s annual Law Day Art and Writing Contest. The theme for this year’s contest is “The Constitution’s Promise: Out of Many, One,” and the deadline for entries is Friday, Jan. 24.

“This is the 49th year for this fun, educational contest,” said Oklahoma City attorney Ed Wunch, OBA Law Day Committee chairperson. “The goal is to stimulate discussion and understanding of the law among young Oklahomans. The theme for this year’s contest urges us to take pride in a Constitution that bridges our differences to bring us together as a united nation.”

Coloring sheets for pre-K and kindergarteners, writing and art prompts for 1st through 12th graders and other resources are available at Winners will receive plaques and cash prizes, and all participants will receive a certificate. Submit entries by Jan. 24 to P.O. Box 53036, Oklahoma City, OK 73152.

Law Day, a nationwide event designated by the U.S. Congress in 1958, is celebrated each year to raise public awareness of American law. The idea for Law Day was conceived by the late Hicks Epton, a Wewoka attorney and OBA past president. More information about Law Day is available on the OBA website at

The 18,000-member Oklahoma Bar Association, headquartered in Oklahoma City, was created by the Oklahoma Supreme Court to advance the administration of justice and to foster and maintain learning, integrity, competence, public service and high standards of conduct among Oklahoma’s legal community.

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