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Donald Trump

Trump’s July 3 speech at Mount Rushmore attempts to divide country

Trump’s rabid demagoguery at his July 3 Mount Rushmore rally painted everyone who does not support him as less than American and less than human.
rich richer

Rich become richer, poor become poorer under pandemic economy

Whenever President Donald Trump crows about his U.S. Department of Labor’s monthly jobs report, it is full of self-congratulations and empty of context.
Donald Trump

Oklahoma doesn’t need rubber stamps for Trump, the aspiring authoritarian

Oklahomans must take a hard look at the politicians willing to sell what is left of their souls to enable Trump’s plan to retain power.

As COVID-19 surges in Oklahoma, politicians gaslight its residents

Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt and others, including President Donald Trump, are gaslighting us about COVID-19 and it is endangering us all.
Kevin Calvey

Oklahoma County got left behind on the wrong side of history

At the end of a long week, votes solidified around former Vice President Joe Biden. But Oklahoma County got left behind.

Don’t leave — Oklahoma is worth saving

Opinion columnist George Lang encourages those who are discouraged by the recent actions of Oklahoma's governor and legislature to stay.

DA David Prater’s power needs to be checked by a grand jury

Nick singer argues for the effort to remove Oklahoma County DA David Prater by way of a grand jury convened by a citizen's petition.

Woodward’s recordings are public, senators must pressure Trump to resign

Anyone in Congress who continues to support President Donald Trump right now is an accomplice to his crimes against the American people.
Paula Sophia

Manhood – from the inside out – the day I grew up – part...

Paula Sophia Schonauer continues a serial memoir. To read the earlier parts of this series, follow the links at the end of each episode.

Lankford is enabling the cruel designs of a seditious president

U.S. Senator James Lankford is a foot soldier in the attempted coup by allegedly outgoing President Donald Trump.

Assault weapons advertising is making people less safe

In this opinion piece, George Lang asserts that the proliferation of military-style weapons like the AR-15 are not making people safer.
Impeachment trial

In former President Trump’s 2nd impeachment trial, the cameras do not lie

The differences between former President Trump's first trial and the 2021 edition could not be more stark.
Paula Sophia

Manhood — from the inside out — part 40 — Dear Mom

Paula Sophia continues a serial memoir of the most powerful life influences as she developed to the person she is today.

Stitt does not want rural Oklahoma to have arts, education or safety

Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt just screwed over a large swath of the state with senseless vetoes thinking he has rural OK sewn up.
Paula Sophia

Manhood – from the inside out, part 10 – Judgement Day

Paula Sophia Schonauer, LCSW, continues a serial memoir. Part 10 explores the struggle with judgement as Sophia navigated her childhood.