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The Arts

The various art expressions in Oklahoma City and beyond

Jabee at Ponyboy

Review: Jabee, Tower Theatre convey real hope through virtual concert

Jabee kicked off the first of four livestreaming concerts from Ponyboy at The Tower Theater born of necessity with COVID-19 closing down venues.

Benh Zeitlin’s Wendy mires the Lost Boys in muddled storytelling

While Benh Zeitlin’s Beasts spoke to the erasure of wetlands and life in a cloistered community after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, the move toward more pronounced fantasy renders Wendy as a mere hanging rod for Zeitlin’s tarnished window dressing.

The Hunt plays like a dramatic reading of political Twitter

Years from now, when Americans seek to understand how the country became so divided in the early 21st century, they will not turn to The Hunt for insight.
OKCine Latino Film Festival 2020

OKCine Latino Film Festival explores both the personal and the political

The worldwide Latinx film community continues to flourish, and for six years, OKCine Latino Film Festival has offered its enthusiastic support.
okcine latino

The 6th Annual OKCine Latino Film Festival weekend opens Friday night!

This weekend is the 6th annual OKCine Latino Film Festival in Oklahoma City beginning with a full evening Friday night and continuing Saturday afternoon.

Alyx Picard Davis chosen to take helm of deadCenter Film in July

deadCenter Film, the nonprofit best known for deadCenter Film Festival (dCFF) in Oklahoma City, has chosen Alyx Picard Davis as the next Executive Director.
Scissortail Park opening

Scissortail Park Grand Opening concerts draw 28,000 to OKC – Gallery

The Grand Opening weekend for Oklahoma City's new Scissortail Park kicked off Friday night with concerts that drew 28,000 filling the Great Lawn.
historic preservation

Eggshell church in jeopardy again as Crossings Church pulls out of deal

Thought to have been saved by a potential deal with Crossings Community Church, the northside historic First Christian "eggshell" Church is at risk again.

Film *Paris is Burning* points to current realities in Oklahoma City

Tuesday night, the second night of OKC Pride Week, Banquet Cinema near downtown hosted the showing of Paris is Burning, a documentary that shocked many, and empowered countless others when it was released in 1991.

Wave roof bank drive-through demolished!

The wave roof former bank drive-through at Northwest 5th and Classen is now history, demolished Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning.
historic preservation

Historic “eggshell” church saved from wrecking ball?

In an 8-1 vote, The City of Oklahoma City Council approved a memorandum of understanding between the City, First Christian Church - OKC, and...
Cine Latino Film Festival Youth workshop students

Fourth Oklahoma Cine Latino Festival portrays depth of talent, passion

The 4th Annual Oklahoma Cine Latino Festival opened Friday night back on Capitol Hill where it began, but in a significantly nicer location. The new...
Roger Lienke Keeps

Concert to launch latest Roger Lienke CD “Playing for Keeps”

Roger Lienke was 8 years old when he wrote his first music, 12 when he wrote his first pop song and 16 when he...
Youth Workshop - setting the scene - 2

Youth workshop at full speed as Latino film festival nears

Student director Jordyn Borrego listened intently over headphones as she watched the camera move into place for a scene in her upcoming film, "Desire." "Sound....
Fans ask questions to "Gremlin" crew

Bellgardt’s “Gremlin” draws posse back to deadCENTER

Emmy winning local filmmaker Ryan Bellgardt has a loyal following who will show up to see his next film just about every time. After his...