PRESS RELEASE: Deadline extended to apply for replacement of SNAP benefits lost due to severe weather

The Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) sends this information as posted below:

(OKLAHOMA CITY) Nov. 14, 2024 — Oklahomans affected by storms that struck several counties from Nov. 3 – 4 of this year can apply for replacement Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, often called “food stamps”) benefits to help cover food losses. Clients in Muskogee, Cleveland, Garvin, Lincoln, McClain, Oklahoma, Stephens, Adair and Logan counties who have lost food purchased with SNAP due to tornadoes or extended power outages may be eligible to get some benefits back, up to the amount of their household’s monthly allotment. Oklahoma Human Services is here to support families during this difficult time and encourages those affected to act quickly.

How to Apply for Replacement Benefits: If you need to replace SNAP benefits due to food loss, fill out the “Request for Destroyed Food Replacement” form. Clients should complete and electronically submit this form to Oklahoma Human Services before Dec. 2, 2024. SNAP recipients who need assistance filling out the form are encouraged to visit their local Oklahoma Human Services’ office or call (405) 522-5050. To find the Oklahoma Human Services office nearest you visit DHS Office Locations.

Lost your SNAP card?
Clients who lost their SNAP card may order a new one:

  • Online at or through the ConnectEBT app;
  • By contacting Conduent at 1-888-328-6551 or Oklahoma Human Services at (405) 522-5050; or
  • In-person by visiting one of Oklahoma Human Services County Offices. Visit DHS Office Locations to find an office closest to you.

Need SNAP assistance or other support through Oklahoma Human Services?

New SNAP Applications: Clients needing food assistance can apply for SNAP at from any computer or mobile device.

Lost Oklahoma Human Services Debit Card: Clients who receive other state benefits including foster care reimbursements, adoption assistance or Child Support on an “Oklahoma Mastercard” and need a replacement card, call:

  • For a non-Child Support Mastercard: 1-888-401-9843
  • For a Child Support Mastercard: 1-888-929-2460

Clients whose homes were destroyed and cannot receive mail may request to have their replacement card sent to an alternate address.

Oklahoma Human Services is here to support families during this difficult time.
“We are committed to helping Oklahomans recover and offering help and hope when they need us most,” said Deb Smith, Oklahoma Human Services Deputy Director. “If you or your family are affected, please reach out for assistance.”

For more help with Oklahoma Human Services programs, contact your local Human Services Center or call 405-522-5050. For non-agency assistance, you can also call 2-1-1 or visit the 2-1-1 Oklahoma website.

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