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Coming soon: weekly music and film coverage at Free Press

Activities that must return when coronavirus is finally controlled are going to concerts and returning to theaters to see films.

Five see-worthy shorts at the 2021 deadCenter Film Festival

As in past years, the 21st annual deadCenter Film Festival delivers a trove of spectacular short films as part of its roster.
music and film

Oscar nominee ‘Another Round’ takes day drinking to its logical extreme

George Lang reviews "Another Round" showing this weekend at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art. Also, see what's going on in OKC in music and film.

Get in touch with your streaming platforms while theaters are silent

For the next several weeks cinema coverage at Free Press will focus on streaming services, offering suggestions for people who need a respite.
Cine Latino Film Festival Youth workshop students

Fourth Oklahoma Cine Latino Festival portrays depth of talent, passion

The 4th Annual Oklahoma Cine Latino Festival opened Friday night back on Capitol Hill where it began, but in a significantly nicer location. The new...

Can’t miss films and events at deadCenter Film Festival — Day 2

Be sure to catch these happenings at Day 2 of deadCenter Film Festival 2023, and check out our featured selection for the day
Killing of Two Lovers

‘The Killing of Two Lovers’ thoroughly explores raw emotions of separation

Despite what the title implies, Robert Machoian’s 'The Killing of Two Lovers' does not spoil the ending but is a depiction of crisis marriage.

OKC Film community reacts to Oscars, awards, cinematic competition

What matters much more than who wins on Oscar Night is paying attention to the films that get recognized throughout awards season.

Alyx Picard Davis chosen to take helm of deadCenter Film in July

deadCenter Film, the nonprofit best known for deadCenter Film Festival (dCFF) in Oklahoma City, has chosen Alyx Picard Davis as the next Executive Director.

Break out of your algorithm with fresh views on major streaming services

If the days start to blend into one another, you might need to just jiggle the algorithm and force the streamers to rethink your taste.
Jabee Williams

‘New Year, New Justice’ chronicles Jabee’s pilgrimage for Julius Jones

"New Year, New Justice" chronicles Oklahoma City rapper Jabee's pilgrimage to MacAlister in support of death row inmate Julius Jones.

Best Picture Oscar predictions: OKC film community weighs in

The film world's biggest night is here again, as the 96th annual Academy Awards kick off this Sunday, March 10th with loads of buzz, bluster, and debate.

deadCenter roundup, day 5: GetAWAY, 1717 Primrose and Bastards’ Road

Today’s roundup focuses on director Blayne Weaver’s revisionist slasher film GetAWAY, Jacob Snovel and Brooks Hall’s 1717 Primrose and Bastards’ Road.

“Revival” director, performers explain process of music video production

Reagan Elkins' skillful filmmaking coupled with Maggie McClure and Shane Henry's musical and acting skills came together to get the story told well.