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First Person

Where we ask various persons in the Oklahoma City metro to tell a story from their life here.

Hi-Lo Club

Hi-Lo, Goodbye: Club closing signals end of an OKC era

It's the closing days of OkC's haven for the weird, queer, and just offbeat. Goodbye, Hi-Lo. May we find ourselves inside you again.
Paula Sophia

Manhood – from the inside out, part 10 – Judgement Day

Paula Sophia Schonauer, LCSW, continues a serial memoir. Part 10 explores the struggle with judgement as Sophia navigated her childhood.
Paula Sophia

Manhood – from the inside out – the day I grew up – part...

Paula Sophia Schonauer continues a serial memoir. To read the earlier parts of this series, follow the links at the end of each episode.
Paula Sophia

Manhood – from the inside out – part 37 – Doing the math

Paula Sophia Schonauer continues a serial memoir. To read the earlier parts of this series, follow the links at the end of each episode.

Mother’s Day musings: One time at childhood WTF band camp…

Sometimes, Mother's Day just doesn't mean what the florists say it does. It means more, and not always in a positive way.

Manhood, from the inside out — Memoir and Mythology

Paula Sophia begins a series of memoirs about her life as a boy, man, father, soldier, police officer, then, a transitioned police officer.

Facebook hack ‘worse than when my house burned down’ says teacher

In this first-person story, Michelle Waters Boyd reveals the profound sense of loss from having her Facebook account hacked and closed.
Paula Sophia

Manhood – from the inside out – part 41 – O Holy Night

Paula Sophia continues her serial memoir of her life. In this episode she moves forward to a significant point in adulthood.
Paula Sophia

Manhood – from the inside out – an invitation from a stranger

Paula Sophia Schonauer continues a serial memoir. To read the earlier parts of this series, follow the links at the end of each episode.
Paula Sophia

Manhood from the inside out – part 19 – Malingering

Paula Sophia Schonauer, LCSW, continues a serial memoir of events and processes that have contributed to her development as a trans woman.
Students protest

I am sorry for the times I have been silent

Silence is acceptance. I am sorry for the times I have been silent. Silence is acceptance. I am sorry for the times I have been silent.
Paula Sophia

Manhood from the inside out, part 2 — Cubby Hole

Paula Sophia continues her serial memoir called "Manhood, from the inside out" with part 2, "Cubby Hole."
Paula Sophia

Manhood from the inside out — A Picture and 900 Words — part 44

Paula Sophia continues a serial memoir of the most significant influences in the journey of her life.
Paula Sophia

Manhood – from the inside out – part 11 – Inferno

Paula Sophia Schonauer, LCSW, continues a serial memoir about her earlier years before her transition from a man to a trans woman.
Paula Sophia

Manhood — from the inside out — an awakening

Paula Sophia Schonauer continues a serial memoir. To read the earlier parts of this series, follow the links at the end of each episode.