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Labor News

News about workers’ efforts to unionize in the Oklahoma City Metro and Oklahoma


OKC Starbucks workers strike over pride decorations, fair contract

Oklahoma City Starbucks [SBUX] workers went on strike early in the morning on Sunday at the 36th and May [SBUX] store. 

Starbucks workers at NW 36th and May vote big for union

Workers at the 36th and N. May Starbucks in OKC celebrated when their vote was counted Tuesday, June 14, 2022.
Starbucks workers

NLRB complaint against Starbucks for OKC labor violations going to hearing in April

Starbucks corp is facing a complaint by the Regional Director of the National Labor Relations Board for labor violations in two OKC stores.

OKC Starbucks workers win concessions over pride decorations

OKC Starbucks [SBUX] workers earned some wins from the corporation over pride decorations after a successful strike campaign by workers. 

Nichols Hills OKC Starbucks workers win vote to unionize

Starbucks baristas at the N.W. 63rd and Grand store in Nichols Hills became the third store in the metro to vote for union representation.

OKC Apple store employee union ready for contract negotiations

The OKC Apple store employee union in Penn Square mall is ready for negotiations with company representatives on May 16th and 17th.

OKC Starbucks workers to hold Labor Day rally at State Capitol

Starbucks Workers United will hold a Labor Day Rally on the south steps of the Oklahoma Capitol on Labor Day, Sept. 5.

Teamsters win major concessions in contract talks with UPS

The Teamsters Union has won major concessions in negotiations with United Parcel Service or UPS in contract talks averting a strike for now.