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Music column

Music by True Sky Credit Union with Brett Fieldcamp

Ken Pomeroy captures warm-winter confusion on ‘Christmas Lights in April’

Oklahoma’s own Pomeroy, still shy of her twentieth birthday, artfully dodges the usual pitfalls of the teen singer/songwriter landscape.
chat pile

Chat Pile explore creative limits of brutality on ‘God’s Country’

Brett Fieldcamp describes the new full-length album of OKC's Chat Pile as “American nihilism" where the sentiment is "existential terror."
War and Treaty

The War and Treaty changing country ahead of Beer City stop

The War and Treaty, a black duo that has crossed the racial barrier into country music, are transforming how fans think about the genre.

OKC music scenes firing on all cylinders in recent singles

From indie rock to country to jazz to hip-hop, it seems like every scene in OKC has been dropping music gold lately with awesome single releases.

Josh Sallee confronts LA celebrity circus in new single “Hollywood Hoax”

Josh Sallee went to Los Angeles to find success but found something entirely different. He has now returned to OKC and has created new work.
Donovan Funk

Donovan Funk lays heart bare on epic debut ‘Subjective Reality’

Brett Fieldcamp reviews OKC's Donovan Funk, whose debut full-length “Subjective Reality” drops October 28th.

Tributes and dance parties: your guide to the nostalgia craze

Straight-up nostalgia bait has clearly proven lucrative beyond anyone's expectations for local OKC venues says Brett Fieldcamp.
the teachers lounge

Catch up on the Oscars undercard with OKCMOA in February

If you want to experience a selection of some of the thoughtful, emotional films in the less buzzed-about categories, Okla City Museum of Art has you covered.
Lunar Division

Lunar Division conjure “Phantom” of old school rock on new album

Brett Fieldcamp says to check out OKC’s Lunar Division to see that rock is not only still kicking, but still going strong.
Chat pile

OKC music’s best moments and biggest surprises of 2022

We have some very favorite moments in OKC music this year, including album releases, single performances and even continuing moments in time.

OKC goes all-in on art of Asian cinema in August

Brett Fieldcamp gives a rundown of significant Asian films being shown in August around Oklahoma City art houses and commercial theaters.

Keep cool with chilled-out recent singles from OKC music

Soulful subtlety, minimalist magic, and experimental hip-hop all feature in recent local music singles from some of the city’s best and most diverse artists.
Opening night

OKC to celebrate ‘Opening Night 2022’ with eclectic musical lineup

Oklahoma City's Opening Night has been a staple of life in OKC for decades and is back in person this year with some great acts.

Gonzo LeBronzo fight apathy with energy on debut ‘Collapse Ecstatic’

Brett Fieldcamp takes a close look at Gonzo LeBronzo's debut album "Collapse Ecstatic," calling it "frantic, frenzied".
Plain Speak

Plain Speak capture pain of nostalgia on ‘Calamity’

Brett Fieldcamp reviews “Calamity,” the newest album from Plain Speak, and their first full-length effort in eight and a half years.