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First Person

Where we ask various persons in the Oklahoma City metro to tell a story from their life here.

Paula Sophia

Manhood — from the inside out — confronting an old nemesis

Paula Sophia Schonauer continues a serial memoir. To read the earlier parts of this series, follow the links at the end of each episode.
Paula Sophia

Manhood from the inside out – part 20 – Rorschach

Paula Sophia continues her serial memoir of the life events and dynamics. Paula identifies herself as a trans woman.
Paula Sophia

Manhood – from the inside out – the day I grew up – part...

Paula Sophia Schonauer continues a serial memoir. To read the earlier parts of this series, follow the links at the end of each episode.
Paula Sophia

Manhood – from the inside out – part 33 – a bedtime story

Paula Sophia Schonauer, LCSW, continues a serial memoir about early influences on her life and how she responded.
Paula Sophia

Manhood – from the inside out – An unexpected affirmation – part 48

Paula Sophia Schonauer continues a serial memoir. To read the earlier parts of this series, follow the links at the end of each episode.
Paula Sophia

Manhood, from the inside out — part 15 — Alone Again (Naturally)

Paula Sophia continues her memoirs that have been foundational to her transitioning.
Paula Sophia

Manhood — from the inside out — Oblivion — part 47

Paula Sophia Schonauer continues a serial memoir. To read the earlier parts of this series, follow the links at the end of each episode.
Paula Sophia

Manhood, from the inside out, part 3 – Magic carpet cocoons

Paula Sophia is writing her memoir in parts through our First Person section. Today, she continues the story about her childhood.
Paula Sophia

Manhood – from the inside out – part 39 – Climbing Mt. Maslow

Paula Sophia Schonauer continues a serial memoir. To read the earlier parts of this series, follow the links at the end of each episode.
Paula Sophia

Manhood – from the inside out – the day I grew up – part...

Paula Sophia Schonauer continues a serial memoir. To read the earlier parts of this series, follow the links at the end of each episode.
Paula Sophia

Manhood – from the inside out – part 43 – The pain of loneliness

Paula Sophia Schonauer continues a serial memoir. To read the earlier parts of this series, follow the links at the end of each episode.
Paula Sophia

Manhood from the inside out – part 19 – Malingering

Paula Sophia Schonauer, LCSW, continues a serial memoir of events and processes that have contributed to her development as a trans woman.
Paula Sophia

Manhood – from the inside out – bodies

Paula Sophia Schonauer continues a serial memoir. To read the earlier parts of this series, follow the links at the end of each episode.
Paula Sophia

Manhood – from the inside out – part 36 – aspirations

Paula Sophia Schonauer continues a serial memoir. The earlier parts of this series, follow the links at the end of each episode.
Paula Sophia

Manhood, from the inside out – part 6 – Deep Water

Paula Sophia continues her serial memoir of her life of transformation and self-discovery as a transgender woman.