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Labor News

News about workers’ efforts to unionize in the Oklahoma City Metro and Oklahoma


UPS, Teamsters reach agreement before deadline

The Teamsters Union and United Parcel Service (UPS) have come to a tentative agreement that the union will put up to a vote of the members.
Starbucks workers

NLRB complaint against Starbucks for OKC labor violations going to hearing in April

Starbucks corp is facing a complaint by the Regional Director of the National Labor Relations Board for labor violations in two OKC stores.

NLRB schedules Nichols Hills Starbucks for May 6 union election

Baristas at the 63rd and Grand Starbucks in Nichols Hills now have an election scheduled by the National Labor Relations Board.

NLRB issues complaint against Starbucks for OKC metro violations

The National Labor Relations Board has issued a consolidated complaint of labor law violations by OKC metro store and district managers.
Apple Store

OKC Apple store begins negotiations for labor contract

OKLAHOMA CITY -- Workers at the Apple Retail store in Penn Square Mall start negotiating their first labor contract with the trillion-dollar corporation...
Apple Store

NLRB issues first complaint against OKC Apple Store management

Alleged labor law violations during contract negotiations lead to charges being filed by the union representing OKC Apple Store workers.

Norman Starbucks baristas petition for union election — second in Okla

The Highway 9 and Classen Starbucks store employees in Norman are the second crew to petition the NLRB for a union election.

OKC Starbucks stores ban pride decorations, draw union criticism

Oklahoma City Starbucks [SBUX] stores have been banning Pride decorations, going against their largely LGBTQIA+ workers.

Push to decertify Nichols Hills Starbucks union dismissed by NLRB

The National Labor Relations Board has dismissed a petition to decertify the union election for representation of baristas at a Starbucks store in the OKC metro

Natural Grocers workers in Norman win union election

Workers at Natural Grocers in Norman won their union election on May 9th in a close call vote. Next is bargaining with the company for a contract.